Fungal Nails
Fungal nails are often characterised by thickening, discolouration and separation of the nail from the nail bed. Unfortunately, this condition is very common, due to the many different environments our feet are exposed to.
Seek Treatment Early
If you are unsure if you have this condition, it’s important to consult your Podiatrist for correct diagnosis and treatment which you may require.
Fungal spores can spread easily so it’s important to address this condition early.
Treatment of Fungal Nails
We can assist with the trimming of your nails and the best treatment for your specific fungal nail. Fungal nails are hard to get rid of and will sometimes need further investigation which your Podiatrist will provide you with.
Often treatment consists of antifungal topical treatment, however there are so many on the market these days it’s important to consult your Podiatrist to find out what one is going to work for you.
For more information on Fungal Nails or to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us today on 0417648888.